Let’s get in touch!

This communication is from a debt collector, and is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose.


1535 Cogswell Street,
Suite B-8, 32955
P.O. Box 560063
Rockledge Fl.

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I Need Debt Collected

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about our debt collection? We're here to help.
Browse our FAQs below or contact us directly.

Did you buy this account/debt?

No! Many consumers call us after wrongly assuming we purchased the debt for pennies on the dollar. ACB has never purchased any debts; rather, we are hired by the creditors to act as a collection agent on their behalf. The business of purchasing debt was much more prevalent a few decades ago, and these days you might still encounter debt buyers trafficking in "zombie debt," i.e., old charged-off credit cards or student loans.

Can I settle my account for less?

We all know what usually happens when you pay a bill late—you have to pay more, right? Well, the good news on the majority of accounts that we handle is that the prices are fixed! This means the amount you owe today is the same amount you owed yesterday, and it will be the same amount you owe tomorrow. The price is set, so you don't have to worry about being an expert negotiator. Some other collection agencies who offer to settle a debt are actually just reducing some of the late fees, interest, or other add-ons and making it appear that you are getting a good deal, but they know you are still paying above the original principal amount. At ACB, "We want to see you be successful!" because if you are successful, that means our client is being repaid, and when that happens, our clients are happy with us. You want to keep your boss happy, too, right? Please don't hesitate to call us to discuss all options we have available to help you be successful with this debt. "Let's find a way!"

Can I setup a partial payment plan?

This depends on a few factors, but in most cases, we are able to work with you on a short-term repayment plan that we can set up right over the phone. Please don't hesitate to call us, "We want to see you be successful!"

Can I pay online?

Our online payment web portal is still being perfected, but for now, you can easily pay us over the phone. Please call us, and we can explain our phone payment options. Additionally, some consumers opt to use their own bank's app or website to do Bill Pay using our address and their account number. If you need to verify any information, please give us a call.

How can I dispute my account?

We don't want anyone to ever pay a debt they don't owe. If you have a dispute over part or all of a debt we are handling, you can contact us by phone or mail to explain your situation. If you choose to dispute the debt in writing, please include any documents you think might help support your case.
It's important to note that while disputes can be made verbally or in writing, requests for verification of the debt or a cease and desist must be made in writing to be legally valid under the FDCPA.

However, if you prefer to make your cease and desist request verbally, please ask to speak with a member of management so we can document your request. And if you prefer to request verification verbally, rather than in writing, we will try to work with you, but please note: to protect your privacy, we do ask for any verification requests regarding HIPAA protected information to be made in writing.

As a third-party collection agency, we don't own any debts, so we cannot change the facts of the case. However, we will always forward your dispute, whether verbal or written, to the original creditor for review. We will ask them to verify the accuracy and validity of the debt and, if confirmed, to provide supporting documentation. We will then communicate their response back to you for your review.

If you have any questions about the dispute process or need assistance, please don't hesitate to call us. We are here to help and want to ensure a fair resolution for all parties involved.

How can I find my rights as a consumer?

That is a great question! The laws that govern our industry are meant to protect consumers as well as help companies such as ours compete with other, less scrupulous operators. Please visit the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's (CFPB) website or read up on the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) for yourself.

Can I leave feedback for one of your employees?

We always appreciate getting feedback, whether good or bad. We know how busy life can be, and taking the time to give written feedback is something we do not take lightly. Good feedback goes into the employee's permanent file and is often read to the whole office as an example of the right way to do things, whereas bad feedback can lead to a teachable moment. Please leave us a review on Google.

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